The Royal Aeronautical Society
Home for Aerospace Enthusiasts
The Society is the home for all aerospace professionals, whether they are engineers, doctors, aircrew, air traffic controllers or lawyers, to name but a few. There is a grade of membership for everyone − from enthusiasts to captains of industry.
The Royal Aeronautical Society has 20 Specialist Interest Group Committees, each of which has been set up to represent the Society in all aspects of the aerospace world. These committees vary in size and activity but all their members contribute an active knowledge and enthusiasm. The Groups meet four or five times a year and their main activities centre on the production of conferences and lectures, with which the Society fulfils a large part of its objectives in education and the dissemination of technical information.
This work is valuable not only in terms of the Society′s charter objectives but also financially, as the conference programme contributes to the Society′s annual income.
In addition to planning these conferences and lectures, the Groups also act as focal points for the information enquiries and requests received by the Society. The Groups therefore form a vital interface between the Society and the world at large, reflecting every aspect of the Society′s diverse and unique membership.
By using the mechanism of the Groups, the Society covers the interests of operators and manufacturers, military and civil aviators, commercial and research organisations, regulatory and administrative bodies, engineers and doctors, designers and distributors, company directors and students, and every other group of professionals who work within aerospace. No other institution represents such a wide and varied range of professions.
The Specialist Groups are: Aerodynamics, Air Finance, Air Law, Air Power, Air Transport, Airworthiness & Maintenance, Aviation Medicine, Avionics & Systems, Flight Operations, Flight Simulation, Flight Test, Guided Flight, Historical, Human Factors, Human Powered Flight, Light Aircraft, Management Studies, Propulsion, Rotorcraft, Space and Structures & Materials.
If you feel you can provide an input, or expand the interests covered by a particular group, please act today and get in touch. Remember, the RAeS is only as influential as the members make it.
For more information about the Royal Aeronautical Society,please visit our website at